5 Ways you can generate interest in your business

This week is all about online coaching and generating leads for your online coaching business 💻 On Monday, Tim Drummond shared how he runs a behaviour change coaching programme, and how we can charge a little bit more £$ Plus, Tim spoke all about finding your ideal client 🤩 So today, I’m sharing 5 different […]
Guest Interview: Why Behaviour Change Coaches Are Disrupting The Online Fitness Space, & Deservedly Charging $3,000

This week is all about setting up an online coaching business, the difference in the type of leads between online & offline & how to sell higher ticket programmes We start the week with Online Fitness Business specialist Tim Drummond coming on to share his experience & knowledge in setting up an online Fitness Business, […]
An Overview On Automating Your Fitness Business

As its Friday I want to give an overview of everything we covered this week ⬇️ On Monday, Joe came on and walked us through his set up for onboarding a new client who is joining your business Head over to check it out if you haven’t already! ⬇️ On Tuesday we looked at 5 […]
This week has been all about automations and systems

On Monday, Joe McNee shared how he sets up onboarding systems for new clients coming in Tuesday, we shared 5 things you can do to automate your business and save you time ⏰ Wednesday, we looked at what’s working when it comes to not doing sales calls – letting the automation system do it for […]
Don’t Like Making Sales Calls? Then This Video Is For You!

On Monday Joe Shared his experience in setting up an onboarding system for new clients coming into your business ✅ Then, yesterday, we looked at 5 things you can implement to make your life easier Today though, we’re talking about a strategy we use to help gym owners who don’t like doing sales calls 🤯 […]
Brand Awareness Ads…Are You Running Them?

This week has been all about generating leads, keeping the client happy, keeping staff motivated and more 💪 Specifically: ➡️ We’ve looked at creating a marketing calendar➡️ We’ve looked at 5 different ways to generate leads from paid to organic➡️ We’ve considered what’s working when it comes to creating 1 single landing page➡️ And yesterday […]
3 Different Ways To Run Your Facebook Ads

This week has been action-packed ➡️ We’ve looked at creating a marketing calendar➡️ We’ve looked at 5 different ways to generate leads from paid to organice➡️ And we’ve considered whats working when it comes to creating 1 single landing page Today, I’m diving into some Facebook ads stuff! Specifically, 3 different ways you can run […]
How A Landing Page Can Change The Game!

This week we’re looking into generating leads for your fitness business On Monday, we looked at setting up a marketing calendar to give yourself a plan and structure for growing and scaling your fitness business 💸 Yesterday we looked at 5 of the best lead-gen strategies we’re using for our business right now, including paid […]
5 Awesome Ways To Generate Leads 😍

This week is all about generating leads into your fitness business, growing your business and keeping staff happy 😌 Yesterday we created a marketing calendar to give us a clear structure and guide on how we will reach our goals We looked at 5 things you need to be focussing on without your business to […]
5 Sections You NEED In Your Marketing Calendar

A brand new week normally means a brand new guest interview But this week is different again… Instead, we’re going to really look into marketing plans, marketing calendars and generating leads for your fitness business from all angles ✅ Today is all about marketing calendars and the 5 things you need in your calendar to […]