Ste Gordon on The PROBLEM With Coaches Going Into Business

Time To Read: 3 minutes

This week Steve Gordon from Strength & conditioning education comes on to chat about the issues when coaches are wanting to get into business

Steve talks all about how the scenes of the fitness industry have changed since he joined, Social Media, different situations in people’s lives and even what motivates people have a huge impact!


Steve realised the core principles haven’t changed in the industry.

Sure you can consider:

❌There are more PTs in the industry

❌There’s always a shorter, cheaper course for clients 

❌Everyone markets themselves differently 

But those core principles haven’t really changed from coach to coach or mentor to mentor.

The ability to really connect with your client, and to have a genuine connection is still the main reason why people get up in the morning to achieve their goals🏅

Want to listen on?  Give the full interview a listen now!

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