How to avoid the common mistakes new gym owners make?

The Fitness business is known as one of the most competitive and challenging industries to be in. Running a gym business is not just about having the best equipment or the latest gadgets, it’s also about having the right strategy, and making sure you avoid the common mistakes that new gym owners make. In this […]
5 Tips for Marketing Your Gym on Social Media

The fitness business industry has come a lot from where it started. The days of throwing up a poster in the local grocery store are long gone. With the rise of digital media, marketing your gym has become more complex yet effective than ever before. The good news is that there are more opportunities to […]
What gym owners can do to get more leads

The fitness industry can be very competitive if you are new to the business. As a gym owner, you need to find ways to get more leads and convert them into paying gym members if you want to run a successful gym or fitness business. It might seem like a daunting task, but with the […]
Guest Interview: David Kyle On How Gym Owners Can Make A Profit

This week’s guest interview is ME! Here I am on Samuel Main’s Podcast: ‘The Main Life’ talking all about how gym owners can make a profit 💸 You see, when I got started as a PT, I thought all of my clients were going to come flying in and I’d be overrun! But actually, when […]
How to market your gym on social media

Social media channels have become a go-to place for people to connect with their friends, family, and interests. With over 2 billion active social media users worldwide, platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram present a huge opportunity for businesses to reach new customers. For gyms and fitness centers, social media can be an effective way […]
Guest Interview: Jordan Fisher on Referrals

This week I am interviewing Jordan, and he’s speaking all about an aspect of lead gen that we all don’t consider enough! Jordan talks all about having a structured referral programme and why you need one How to askWhen to askHow to leverage it& so much more This is a great way to maximise your […]
What’s improved in LeadDec? 👾

We are always improving LeadDec to make your life a whole lot easier. Check out our most recent improvements… Set-up Time ⏰Well we have just reduced the set-up time of your account by over half the time it would usually take 😲You now only need to change the custom values & add your logo to […]
Dave… So what is LeadDec?

Following on from the announcement that the LeadDec £1 – 30 day trial is coming to an end ⏰ We have had a lot of people reach out 🙌 Either, how they could get started, or… Asking what exactly LeadDec is 🧐 & it’s not exactly the easiest thing to explain, when I started thinking […]
😢 We are closing down

There are times in life & in business, where something needs to change You have either got to the end of the journey you are on or it just doesn’t work for you anymore & we have got to that point whereby we have come to the end of our journey Having helped over 130 […]
How to make your gym stand out

There’s no doubt that the fitness industry is one of the biggest and most competitive industries out there. Every business owner wants to make their gym the best and most unique place to work out. However, with so many gyms out there, it can be hard to make yours stand out from the rest. If […]