You Will Make Sales If You Do This…

This week has been all about sales 💰 On Monday, James shared his expert views on generating sales. James has a number of venues and has worked with a variety of people from all around the world 🌍 Tuesday we shared 5 things we would do at DKnine to push sales Wednesday I shared our […]
Don’t Let Your Clients Dictate Your Price…Here’s Why!

On Monday James shared a huge amount of knowledge This week we’re talking sales Tuesday I shared 5 tips I recommend anyone does when conducting sales And yesterday we looked at what’s working with Facebook ads and then explained how to sell to your leads now you’re almost open again! 😆 Today I want to […]
What’s Working Right Now – Facebook Ads

This week is all about making sales 💸 We started with a huge guest interview from James, sharing his insight, experiences and tips for generating and making sales over the phone Yesterday, we covered 5 different things to help you improve your sales consistently 5️⃣ Today, as lockdown is almost ending in the UK and […]
5 Tips For Generating Sales

This week is all about generating sales 💸 James started the week off! What an interview it was, so if you’re struggling and need a confidence boost go and check it out Today I’m sharing 5 ways you can boost your sales 1️⃣ ConfidenceTalk slowly, and really force them to open up. Don’t let them […]
Guest Interview: James Rees-Hopkins on Phone Sales

This week is all about sales and I’m bringing a massive guest interview your way James has run 3 separate gyms, each time they have grown bigger and bigger PLUS he’s also done sales calls for Fitpros all around the world So grab your notebook! This is a good one 📝 David 🙂
If you only learn one thing from me

You can be one of the best fitpros in the world BUT if you don’t have a reliable way to generate leads, you won’t hit your income targets. If you want to get your hands on the tools to get you there… PS Doors close tomorrow night… —
Anything is possible

I know what it feels like to struggle building a business and I don’t want you to waste your time and money on things that don’t move the needle and get you your target income every month…. My goal is to help 100 business owners start to generate £10k a month consistently and without burning […]
What your business will be like in 3 months…

Hello, Will you be really hitting your stride, generating leads and regularly hitting £10k months? Or will you be struggling to keep a consistent stream of clients coming in and struggling through sleepless nights? The first one sounds better, right? Inside the 10-week course you can get everything you need to practically guarantee success (as […]
Don’t do this

I see a lot of gym owners, coaches and fitness professionals have a go at digital marketing without any kind of strategy – just hoping what they’ve cobbled together will work… Instead of using the data they have available to them to drive their marketing, they just end up wasting their time and money. That’s […]
Why most online courses don’t work

Most course creators generalise and go on about the same old techniques… But what works for a cafe or a barber shop won’t necessarily work in the cutthroat fitness business… But me? I’m 100% dedicated to the fitness industry because that’s what I do – every single day – working in the gym and building […]