This week has been all about how to get clients excited and committed to long term with your fitness business
Monday Simon shared his set up at C&S Fitness. He discussed the different and extra things he does to keep his client retention high
On Tuesday I shared 4 things were doing at DKnine to hold onto our current clients
and Wednesday was What’s Working
Yesterday, was all about getting those testimonials in – to not only get current clients excited again but to reel in some new ones 😆
Today I want to run over some of the key ideas from this week
Do clients want all these additional sessions and constant check-ins from us? ❗️
They’re stuck in their home and so we have to be careful with the contact we give
If we over-do it, it may give them a reason to leave
By simply tagging them in a comment in the group it shows them you are thinking of them and you care but you aren’t hassling them 😇
Plus, putting a booking system in place means that clients have to check-in instead of just show up
This means they are really committing to a specific time
And the chances of them showing up are far higher ⬇️
Now to set some goals 🥅
Clients have a lot to think about right now, family, children, work
Health & fitness may be at the back of their mind 🥲
So step in and get them to set some goals for between now & when lockdown is ending
This 60-90 day goal will get them out of lockdown and back into the gym
This way they will be back on track and remembering why they initially came to you 🤗
And this is where that key testimonial comes in
A quick video about:
Why they started, what were their struggles, what results did you get them….
This will trigger all kinds of emotions that will make them want to stay with you
I hope this week has been a little eye-opener into what we’re doing here to keep the clients engaged and motivated
David 🙂